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Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2021-2022



Navigator Pointe Academy (NPA) regards parental involvement as vital to the academic success of students. This policy was jointly developed with parents and family members.   Parents are the initial teachers of their children and serve as partners with the school in helping their children achieve academic success.


NPA will involve parents in the development of its academic plans.


  • The school will invite two parents to participate in the development of the school plan for at-risk students.  Information, including academic data, State and Federal allocations, personnel, and instructional strategies will be given to parent representatives two weeks prior to the meeting for review.

  • The school will hold an annual Title I meeting where parents and family members have the right to attend and engage in the development of the school’s plan.

  • Parents will review information, attend scheduled meetings, including the required annual meeting, and give input into the development of the plan.

  • The NPA Governing Board will give final approval of the plan.

NPA will involve parents in the process of school review and improvement. 


  • The school will share overall achievement data from the school with parents through meetings, the school website, and paper copies sent home.

  • NPA will invite parental input from parents regarding the school academic goals.

  • Discuss evidence-based research instructional practices

  • Give direction in securing research-based curriculum materials that align with school goals

NPA will provide coordination and technical assistance to promote quality parental engagement activities.


  • Twice during the school year, school leadership will include parental engagement discussions to maximize coordination and effective use of resources.

  • Provide annual training to school administrators and teachers on effective parent engagements strategies.

  • Schedule an annual parent engagement seminar to build effective parental engagement strategies.


NPA will coordinate parental engagement strategies with other programs.

  • Representatives from other programs will be encouraged to co-sponsor the annual parent engagement seminar with Title 1.

  • Faculty and staff who have responsibility for overseeing parental engagement activities will meet at least twice a year to discuss plans and coordinate efforts.


NPA will conduct an annual parental engagement evaluation.

  • In the spring, local School Community Councils will be asked to provide feedback on the quality of engagement opportunities and provide input on how the school might improve support for parental engagement.

  • Parent will be encouraged to complete a survey that will elicit feedback on current activities and request input for future efforts.

  • At the beginning of the new school year, the school will provide a summary of the parental survey with its plans to address identified needs and recommendations.

NPA will involve parents in a variety of school activities.


  • The director will report annually on parental engagement in at-risk and other programs

  • In the annual training for administrators and teachers, the school will share identified successful parental engagement activities with volunteer committees.

  • The Director will annually report to the board how used Title I funds were used to sport effective parent engagement strategies.



Admin/Admin/200 (Policy & Procedure)/Parent-School Involvement 02/21/19

Contact Us

Tel: 801-840-1210 

Fax: 801-840-1236



  • 6844 South Navigator Drive
    West Jordan, UT 84084

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