NPA Policies and Procedures
All NPA Policies and Procedures are scheduled to be reviewed and revised this summer. These will be Board approved before the start of the 2024-2025 school year. The updated documents will be posted below once they have been Board approved.
Bullying/Cyber Bullying, Hazing and Retaliation Policy
Child Abuse/Neglect Reporting by Educational Personnel
Disciplinary Policies on Student use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Employee Computer Use Agreement
Employee Drug and Alcohol Policy
Employee Social Networking Policy
Incident and Behavior Procedures
NPA Support Staff and Teams
Medical Recommendation/College and Career Awareness K-8th
Personal Electronic Devices Policy (Updated 07/2022)
Review and Adoption of NPA Curriculum Materials
Student Computer Use Agreement
Student Conduct and Discipline Policy
Volunteer Standards and Agreement (Updated 07/2022)
Withdrawal and Transfer Policy