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Governing Board Policy

The Board recognizes that the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, or other similarly harmful substances, or drug paraphernalia constitutes a hazard to the welfare of students and staff, is disruptive to the educational process, and is illegal under the laws of the State of Utah. 


Consistent with the Board’s Safe School Policy and Conduct and Discipline Policy, the Board, therefore delegates to school administration the responsibility of developing and implementing disciplinary procedures and consequences for students who possess, use, or distribute illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, electronic cigarettes or prohibited substances on school property or at any school sponsored activity, or in any vehicle dispatched by the school to transport students to or from an activity.  These prohibitions apply whether or not the actions occur during regular school hours. 



1.1  The Administration recognizes the need to prevent the possession, use, and distribution of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, and other substances prohibited in the guidelines of this policy. 


1.2  The administration supports coordination with parents in preventing drug, alcohol and tobacco use. 


1.3  Utah Code §53A-11 requires educators to report information of suspected substance abuse among students to their parents. When student substance abuse is suspected, educators will complete a Suspected Abuse Report form and submit it to the school principal for referral to parents. Navigator Pointe Academy and its employees will not be held responsible for any costs that result from the information provided on the Suspected Abuse Report form.


1.4  The possession, use, or distribution, by students, of any substance listed in the guidelines of this policy is prohibited on school property, during school hours, and at any school-sponsored program or activity, including those held off campus, whether during, before, or after regular school hours.


1.5  Disciplinary action, independent of any court action, will be taken by Navigator Pointe Academy in cases involving the illegal possession, use, or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, controlled substances, imitation, controlled substances, and/or similarly harmful substances, or possession of drug paraphernalia.  Students will be subject to immediate suspension or possible expulsion for violation of the policy.




Navigator Pointe Academy prohibits any unauthorized student use, possession, sale or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, controlled substances, imitation controlled substances, and/or other similarly harmful substances, or drug paraphernalia.  The actions are prohibited in any school building, or on any place on the school campus, or at any school sponsored activity, or in any vehicle dispatched by the school to transport students to or from an activity.  These prohibitions apply whether during, before, or after regular school hours. 



3.1  The words “use,” “possession,” “sale,” “distribution,” “alcohol,” “drugs,” “controlled substances,” “and “imitation controlled substances,” shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Utah Controlled Substances Act, the Utah Drug Paraphernalia Act, the Imitation Controlled Substances Act, and the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, or any successor acts thereto of the Utah Code. 


3.2  The word “parents” means natural parents, foster parents, or legal guardians.


3.3 The words “other similarly harmful substances” means substances such as inhalants, and/or inappropriate use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs. 



4.1 First Violation of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Policy:  Use or Possession


4.1.1. The student shall be suspended from school for up to ten days


4.1.2. The principal or principal-designee, during the suspension period shall:

a.  notify the parents;

b.  notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and provide the agency with all confiscated evidence and information;

c.  schedule a parent conference during the suspension period.


4.1.3.  The student shall:

a.  sign a non-use contract with the parent and principal or principal designee;

b.  reveal the source of material associated with this violation

c.  cooperate with parent/school suspension and alternate education plan

d.  not participate in school-sponsored activities until suspension has been removed.

e.  Failure of the student to comply with any of the above will result in moving to the procedures and consequences of the second violation.


4.2  Second Violation of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Policy:  Use or Possession

4.2.1  The student shall be suspended from school for 45 days

4.2.2  The principal or principal-designee, during the suspension period shall:

a.  notify the parents;

b.  notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and provide the agency with all confiscated evidence and information;

c.  provide an educational instruction plan for the student during the suspension period.


4.3.1 The student shall:

a.  reveal the source of material associated with this violation

b.  cooperate with parent/school suspension and alternate education plan

c.  not participate in school-sponsored activities until suspension has been removed

d.  participate in a formal alcohol and/or drug assessment with the cost of the assessment assumed by the parent; and

e.  show evidence of completing a treatment program with a licensed individual or agency with the cost of the alternative treatment program assumed by the parent.

f.  Failure of the student to comply with any of the above will result in moving to the procedures and consequences of the third violation.


4.4 Third Violation of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Policy:  Use or Possession

4.4.1 The student will be permanently expelled from the school.


4.4.2  The principal or designee shall:

a.  notify the parents; and

b.  notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and provide the agency with all confiscated evidence and information


4.4.3  Parent shall be responsible for the student’s continuing education plan and costs.


4.5 First Violation of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Policy: Distribution (Selling, Sharing or Delivering)

4.5.1  The student will be suspended from school for 90 days.


4.5.2  The principal or designee shall:

a.  notify the parents; and

b.  shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and provide the agency with all confiscated evidence and information.


4.5.3  The student shall:

a.  reveal the source of material associated with this violation

b.  cooperate with parent/school suspension and alternate education plan

c.  not participate in school-sponsored activities until suspension has been removed

d.  participate in a formal alcohol and/or drug assessment with the cost of the assessment assumed by the parent; and

e.  show evidence of completing a treatment program with a licensed individual or agency with the cost of the alternative treatment program assumed by the parent.

f.  Failure of the student to comply with any of the above will result in moving to the procedures and consequences of the third violation.


4.6 Second Violation of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Policy:  Sale or Distribution

4.6.1  The The student will be permanently expelled from the school.

4.6.2  The principal or designee shall:

a.  notify the parents; and

b.  notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and provide the agency with all confiscated evidence and information

4.6.3  Parent shall be responsible for the student’s continuing education plan and costs.



5.1  Policy violations are cumulative grades K-12.  The records of clearly substantiated violations of this policy noting date, type of violation, and disciplinary action taken will be kept at the local school in the student’s record. 

5.2 Accumulated records of student violations from previous schools will be transferred and taken into account when a student is enrolled at Navigator Pointe Academy.




6.1 Navigator Pointe Academy will award credit for education when students are in drug and/or alcohol use treatment programs. The treatment program must meet the Utah State Department of Human Services license qualifications.

a. One (1.0) elective credit may be earned for completion of an in-patient treatment


b. Required and elective credit may also be earned during in-patient treatment through

participation in an accredited educational program. A maximum of five and one-half (5.5)

instructional hours per day may be applied toward credit.

c. One (1.0) elective credit may be earned for participation in an approved aftercare

program. The student must submit a schedule of the aftercare program and verification of regular attendance. One-quarter (.25) credit will be awarded for each forty-five (45) hours of aftercare participation.



Utah Code 58-37-1

Utah Code 32A-1-105

Utah Code 76-10-107

Utah Code 58-37-4

Utah Code 53A-11



Admin/Admin/200 (Policy & Procedure)/Alcohol Drugs and Tobacco Policy/121613SP

Contact Us

Tel: 801-840-1210 

Fax: 801-840-1236



  • 6844 South Navigator Drive
    West Jordan, UT 84084

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