Title I, Part A Plan
TARGETED STUDENTS: Kindergarten students
GOAL: Provide instructional support to help each kindergarten student meet or exceed the Utah Student Academic Achievement Standards for Language Arts Reading Foundation Skills by 6/1/16
Utilize highly qualified teachers and staff for instruction
Use research-based programs and support ~SRA Reading Mastery, Signs for Sounds, Direct Instruction
Involve parents through communication and participation at school and home and provide relative resources
Provide professional development for teachers and instructional support personnel
~Language Arts program training, implementation, evaluation, and data analysis
~Special Education Training, as needed
90% of students will meet or exceed the Utah Student Academic Achievement Standards for Language Arts Reading Foundation Skills
SRA Reading Mastery Assessments as directed by the program
Signs for Sounds Assessments as directed by the program
DIBELS Beginning of Year, Mid-Year, and End of Year Assessments ï‚· Teacher observations and work samples